Thursday, December 27, 2012

Best Christmas Present Ever!!

After 1 1/2 years of trying & 2 rounds of Clomid, Paul and I finally got our wish with a positive pregnancy test on Christmas Day.  We had actually fallen asleep on the couch Christmas Eve and I woke up super early the next morning with an urge to go to the bathroom. Luckily I was awake enough to remember that it was the first day we would be able to test. Paul got up to start a fire and I went to take the test. After the longest 4 minute wait ever, I ran to the living room with the test in hand.  I think Paul was in shock at first ... I told him "We dont have to open presents this morning because I already got what I wanted."

I dont think it has all set in yet, I feels like it is just a dream. Just to be sure I took another test yesterday .... I didnt even have to wait the alloted time, it instantly changed! I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon for the blood work and I am sure I will spend the day staring at my phone waiting for them to call with the results.  Fingers crossed everything is ok!!!!!